History and Making of «Dark/Light»
Just a week before the release of «Dark/Light» we take a look at our journey of the past six years. Here’s a glimpse at the many wonderful things we’ve got to experience so far! Cut and produced by Stefan Rüst…
Just a week before the release of «Dark/Light» we take a look at our journey of the past six years. Here’s a glimpse at the many wonderful things we’ve got to experience so far! Cut and produced by Stefan Rüst…
Watch it HERE
✨✨✨ V I D E O P R E M I E R E ✨✨✨We’re very excited to share our video to «Onomatopoetry (Dark)» with you today with two very special premiers on Everything Is Noise as well as THE…
Onomatopoetry (Dark) was just one of those songs that came to be. All we had was a six year old synthesizer line, an idea of a melody, and a whole lot of thoughts and energy. We worked on it together…
Here it is, the video premiere to «Crysanthemum (Dark)» exclusively on Bedroomdisco. Follow the link: https://www.bedroomdisco.de/2019/02/bleu-roi-kaleidoskop